
Draiflessen Conference

Georgstraße 18 | 49497 Mettingen
Phone: +49 5452 9168-4000

meetMUSIC is the concert series that Draiflessen Conference launched in 2014

Here the name says it all: meeting for and with music, in a feel-good atmosphere for audience and artists. Interested people of all ages are presented with innovative and familiar musical styles. Our guests get the opportunity to get up close and personal with the artists and discover the music for themselves. meetMUSIC connects and leads especially young people to music …

Latest news

  • „The Twiolins“ begeistern am Ostermontag in einer voll besetzten Kirche

“The Twiolins” delight a packed church on Easter Monday


The concert in St. Agatha's Church began with a cheerful welcome by Christoph Dingler to the more than 200 guests. Marie-Luise Dingler, who self-ironically introduced herself as Christoph's big sister, recited the first of [...]

Great painting action in Mettingen


Tickets meetMUSIC has called for a major painting campaign in Mettingen daycare centers and elementary schools: Under the motto "Oops, Oberelfe Gisela has run out of paint! - Please help!" we invited children [...]